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December 2022 Archive for MoneyDig

By: AgFed Credit Union

Welcome to AgFed Credit Union's MoneyDig blog! 

Get confident about your personal finances with a number of articles, tips, advice and more.


Facing Financial Challenges Head-On

 Dec 22, 2022
It’s never fun when life throws you a sudden, unexpected financial curveball. And unfortunately, these challenges always seem to pop up when you least expect them. The good news is there are solutions available to help you get back on financial track. But they will require you to be proactive and address the challenges head-on. The following steps provide a roadmap for dealing with significant financial obstacles.

4 Scams to Watch Out for After the Holidays

 Dec 20, 2022
As if the post-holiday blues weren’t bad enough, here come the post-holiday scams. They’ll look like charities, gift sellers, well-wishers and more. Find out how to dodge them!

Financial Preparation for the New Year

 Dec 15, 2022
We’re staring the new year in the face, and you need to get your budget in order! We’ve got tips to help you get started!

Budgeting Tips as Student Loan Payments Resume

 Dec 12, 2022
On December 31, 2022, the administrative forbearance for federal student loans is set to end – meaning loan payments will resume in 2023. For many borrowers, this is causing panic and stress. Before your student loan payments resume, review the following tips to ensure you’re financially ready.

Don't Get Caught in an Inheritance Scam

 Dec 09, 2022
The inheritance scam is one of the oldest around, and online communication has only made it easier to pull off. We’ll let you know how to spot them and stay safe!

Protecting Your Accounts During the Holidays

 Dec 06, 2022
The holidays are a time of joy. Families gather to share laughter, food, gifts, and quality time with each other. Unfortunately, the holiday season is also one of the most joyous times of the year for fraudsters. We've got tips to help protect yourself from fraud this season.

What to Buy and What to Skip in December

 Dec 01, 2022
Sure, Black Friday is over, but there are still great deals in December! From champagne to toys, we’ve got all the info you need to shop smart!