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Board of Directors Election Nomination by Petition

January 20, 2024

Nomination for the Board of Directors may be made by petition. Members in good standing, age 18 or older, may run for election by petition. Petitions must be signed by 266 members, which represents 1% of the membership of 26,647. Members who sign the petition must include their name and account numbers. Petitions are due to the Secretary of the Board and must be received by the Credit Union no later than close of business, 3:30 p.m. on Friday, March 24, 2024. Interested members submitting petitions must also include their account number and a statement of willingness to serve if elected. Along with the petition, a statement of qualifications and biographical data must be included.

All applications and petitions may be submitted by faxing all documents to (202) 479-3821, ATTN: Nominating Committee or by email to If mailing, please send to: AgFed, ATTN: Nominating Committee, P. O. Box 2225, Merrifield, VA 22116.


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