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Individual Retirement Accounts

Reach your retirement goals with an AgFed IRA.

At AgFed’s online IRA Retirement Center - you can plan for your future with great and helpful tools and calculators, read articles about IRA products and news, and open and manage your IRA account online!

An IRA is a savings program that can save you money while building for your retirement security. IRA funds can be placed into any of our attractive certificate accounts and we also offer a special savings account that can be used to accumulate IRA funds.

We offer Traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs and Coverdell Education Savings Accounts.

  • Traditional IRA

  • Is a reliable source of income when you retire and may give you a tax break now
  • You must start making withdrawals when you turn 73. You’ll have to pay taxes on your contributions and the interest they earned when you make your withdrawals.
  • All members are eligible to open an IRA.
  • Roth IRA

  • Your contributions are not tax deductible
  • Your interest income accumulates in the account tax-free
  • You can make tax-free withdrawals starting at age 59 ½, if it’s been 5 years since you opened the account, but you’re not required to make withdrawals at any age.
  • If you are not eligible to deduct your contributions, the Roth IRA is your best choice for retirement saving.
  • Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (Formerly Education IRAs)

  • Are classified as IRAs but are used for saving for the educational costs of children and grandchildren.
  • You are allowed to make contributions on behalf of a beneficiary.

For more information on which IRA plan best meets your needs, please call the Credit Union at (202) 479-2270 or visit one of our branches.

NCUA Insurance Estimator


IRA Certificates



to Open



Frequency APY*
6 Months $250 3.06% Quarterly 3.10%
12 Months $250 3.11% Quarterly 3.15%
18 Months $250 3.16% Quarterly 3.20%
24 Months $250 3.21% Quarterly 3.25%
36 Months $250 3.26% Quarterly 3.30%
48 Months $250 3.31% Quarterly 3.35%
60 Months $250 3.36% Quarterly 3.40%

†Maximum deposit amount for new 6-month Share and IRA Certificates is $100,000.

*APY is Annual Percentage Yield. Rates are subject to change without notice.