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Plant the seed and watch your money bloom.

Open a Certificate today and start earning higher dividends on your savings! Don't let your money sit idle - invest in YOURSELF and watch your money grow!

You have the option to choose from a variety of certificates with terms ranging from 6 to 60 months with competitive high yields, guaranteed through the term of deposit. The minimum deposit is $250 and your funds are insured up to at least $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration. **


Certificate FAQs

If you are looking for an option with less money upfront, try our Asset Builder Certificate.

AgFed is always here to assist you in building your savings - unlike other certificates that require a $250 minimum deposit, the Asset Builder can be opened with only $25. Once your certificate is open, deposits can be made at any time and in any amount by payroll deduction, mail or in person. Dividends are paid quarterly.


Certificate FAQs


Table for Certificates


to Open



Frequency APY*
6 Months $250 3.06% Quarterly 3.10%
12 Months $250 3.11% Quarterly 3.15%
18 Months $250 3.16% Quarterly 3.20%
24 Months $250 3.21% Quarterly 3.25%
36 Months $250 3.26% Quarterly 3.30%
48 Months $250 3.31% Quarterly 3.35%
60 Months $250 3.36% Quarterly 3.40%

†Maximum deposit amount for new 6-month Share and IRA Certificates is $100,000.

Asset Builder Certificate

Table for Asset Builder Certificate


to Open



Frequency APY*
12 Months $25 2.87% Quarterly 2.90%
18 Months $25 2.92% Quarterly 2.95%
24 Months $25 2.97% Quarterly 3.00%


*APY is Annual Percentage Yield. Rates are subject to change without notice.

**The NCUA is the independent federal agency that administers the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund. Credit Unions that are federally insured by NCUA offer a safe place for you to save money, with deposits insured up to $250,000 per individual depositor. Visit https://www.mycreditunion.gov/share-insurance for additional information.


RATE INFORMATION: Fixed rate certificates - The rate will not change over the term of the certificate.
MATURITY DATE: Your certificate account will mature within the term specified in the above table based on the date when the account is opened followed by a 10 day grace period.
TRANSACTION LIMITATIONS: No additional deposits are allowed into regular  or IRA certificates except during the grace period. However, additional deposits can be made into Asset Builder certificates.
EARLY WITHDRAWAL PENALTIES: The certificate funds must be on deposit for 30 days. If certificate funds other than dividends are withdrawn prior to maturity, a substantial penalty will be imposed as follows: If the certificate term is 11 months or less the member shall forfeit an amount equal to the lesser of: (A) All dividends for 90 days on the amount withdrawn, or (B) All dividends on the amount withdrawn since the date of issuance or renewal. If the certificate term is greater than 11 months but less than 60 months, the member shall forfeit an amount equal to the lesser of: (A) All dividends for 180 days on the amount withdrawn, or (B) All dividends on the amount withdrawn since the date of issuance or renewal. If the certificate term is 60 months or greater, the member shall forfeit an amount equal to the lesser of: (A) All dividends for 365 days on the amount withdrawn, or (B) All dividends on the amount withdrawn since the date of issuance or renewal. The above-stated penalties will not be applied if the withdrawal is made subsequent to the death of any owner.
WITHDRAWAL OF DIVIDEND PRIOR TO MATURITY: The APY is based on an assumption that dividends will remain in the account until maturity. A withdrawal will reduce earnings.
RENEWAL POLICIES: Your certificate will automatically renew at maturity. The Credit Union will give you at least 14 days notice prior to maturity. There is a 10 day grace period following the maturity of the certificate. Limited offers will mature at a comparable rate and term. See maturity notice for further details.

NO PENALTY CERTIFICATE PRODUCT: When offered, one withdrawal may be made during the original term of the certificate with no penalty imposed. Subsequent early withdrawals may be subject to a penalty as outlined in the Early Withdrawal Penalties section.

Click here to view the complete Share Rates/Truth In Savings Disclosure.

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