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AgFed Member Voices

Member Voices

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One lucky day as I was looking into my USDA job benefits page, when suddenly I noticed the AgFed Credit Union website link. Right away I started to browse their website and found not only lower interest rates but more loan options in home loans. Soon I decided to call AgFed Credit Union and was convinced to open an account to become a member. Member benefits and customer service proved to be fantastic. Approximately 3 years ago I decided to contact the AgFed mortgage department wanting to refinance my mortgage loan. Refinancing with CUMA through AgFed was an awesome experience super-fast and easy process. I am super glad I chose to contact AgFed Credit Union. I ended up refinancing with cash out and with a lower mortgage payment plus enjoying a record-low 2.375 interest rate. Overall good customer service that deserves to be recognized. I will always recommend AgFed to family and friends.


Dear AFCU (AgFed), little did I know when we met on September 3, 1975, that we would still be together. I had just started working for the US Department of Agriculture, a divorced single mother of two. No banks would take a chance on me. I did some research and found the Agriculture Federal Credit Union. I went to talk with you all. Just like that, you helped me get my first checking account and my first saving account. You have no idea how much this meant to me and my children. When I could afford to get a car I came to you and you gave me my first car. I started my first Christmas savings plan with you in order to have money to buy Christmas presents. Throughout the years, you’ve been there when I needed you for any type of financial assistance. Now I’m 77 years old, retired, and relocated. But I’ve continued with my credit union account even though you don’t have a branch here. I bank electronically and remain grateful for all you’ve done for me. When I’m gone, my son and daughter will be coming to you for my last accounts. Happy anniversary AgFed!


As a young adult, I was working with my parents to build credit as an authorized user on a credit card since I hadn't had anything in my name to that point. However, it was later discovered that I was actually not receiving credit with the bank we chose, which was very disappointing. Fortunately, my mom and I were members of AgFed. She worked with the terrific folks at AgFed to get me a credit card. I was able to responsibly use the card while earning my second degree for simple items, such as gas and groceries, and successfully build my credit history. Because of AgFed, I was able to build a strong credit history, which is still applicable today! With my AgFed credit card being my longest open credit account, it serves as a strong basis for my high credit rating. I am truly grateful to AgFed for providing me the opportunity to develop my credit, particularly when a specific bank indicated it would but did not follow through. Contrary to that bank, AgFed's wonderful culture and interest in helping is top-tier! 


I joined AgFed Credit Union in 1979. There was a branch situated in the Department of Agriculture South building where I had just landed a job. I opened a checking and savings account there and started depositing my checks. Within a year, I financed a new Chrysler automobile with AgFed and a personal loan as well.  After paying off my personal loan, I started buying savings certificates through AgFed, mainly because they had very competitive rates and I have one now as well. When the government required that all employees' paychecks be directly deposited into banking accounts, I chose AgFed and to this day, 44 years later, my retirement checks are deposited there. The house that I currently live in was financed through AgFed (1999). Throughout the years, AgFed has been there for all my banking needs. I can't say enough about my satisfaction with their new mobile app. I look forward to working with AgFed for the years to come.


Like many people, I felt crushed under seemingly insurmountable student loan debt. It seemed like the more I paid, the more I owed! Someone suggested looking into loan consolidation and refinancing—and that's when I found AgFed. Their rates were so much better than the big corporate lenders. I was able to refinance and consolidate several different loans into one manageable payment. Within a few years, I was able to pay off my student debt in its entirety. It was such a huge relief. Thank you, AgFed, I'd recommend you to anyone!  


I've been an Agfed member for about 5 years. In that duration, AgFed has always been great to me. The staff has always treated me with respect, and they've shown that they honor my business. They're very helpful with the answers I need to my account questions. I've done a lot of business with AgFed in terms of loans, from personal, and holidays totaling multiple thousands of dollars with small interest rates that I appreciate. I am so honored to say that AgFed has never declined me. I'm also proud to say I have an A+ standard for business dealing with AgFed throughout my membership. I'm satisfied and grateful to have AgFed as a partner in my corner. 


I’ve been a member since 1991 and the AgFed and its employees have been very helpful in assisting me in my financial needs. However, that’s not really my story.  It began a few months ago on a very busy Saturday morning when my wife came to me and said I needed to talk to some guy on the phone about our Norton renewal policy problem. You know I regard myself as a reasonable intelligent proud government employee who has taken many computer classes and read many scam warnings and who even has protective programs on his home PC. But that morning, I was not paying attention. I ended up giving them access to my credit union account. They had me going so badly that I drove up to the South Building (quite a drive) to fill out the paperwork for a substantial wire transfer. I know what you’re saying: how could he make such an elemental, easy-to-see mistake?? Well, they rely on their prospective victims to be not paying attention. Here’s the good part!  The AgFed employee I filled out the form with already suspected this was a scam (I didn’t know it was a scam at this point) and told me they couldn’t send the wire until Monday. This didn’t make the scammers very happy as they kept calling me asking when they’d get their money. Later that evening I discovered it was a scam when a friend of mine said he had heard of such a scam. I checked on good old Google and sure enough, I was about to get taken. I had to change all my bank accounts, credit cards, automatic payment accounts, and financial accounts and passwords changed. Had to have my computer “cleaned.”  A time-consuming and very anxious period of time. So, Monday came around and the AgFed employee rang me up and apprised me of the situation telling me they would not send the transfer. Whew, whew, and whew! I will be forever grateful to that employee and the credit union staff for recognizing what this was (even if I didn’t) and taking steps to protect me! Thank you all very very much!


AgFed you have truly been a "Partner for Life" for me and my family! I have been an AgFed member for at least 40 years! I have enjoyed working with several of your great service professionals over this time. I have financed auto purchases, opened investment accounts, and taught my children the value of having AgFed as a banking institution. Now my three adult children have accounts with AgFed! One even plans to open accounts for her children, my grands! That's three generations that call AgFed home! Thank you AgFed!


I don’t know where to begin. Agriculture Federal Credit Union has been more than good to me; I have been a member for over 15 years. There was a time in my life when I did not know how to handle money, or even respect money. I had many bills and my credit was not the best. I had more expenses than money and the bill collectors were calling and sending notices once a week. I was in a deep hole financially and did not know what to do. As I was sitting in my office one evening, an email came from AgFed Credit Union advertising hardship loans with low-interest rates. I decided to call the credit union and ask what the requirements were and do you have to have a specific credit score. With that being said, I applied for a loan and was approved. The representative treated me with the utmost respect at a time when I was in a dark space. Enclosing, I have always recommended other Federal workers to become a member of the Agriculture Federal Credit Union. They are truly family oriented and definitely working on your behalf to ensure you receive all the benefits the credit union has to offer.


Some people may say that kids are too young to start learning about financial responsibility. These people obviously never had a conversation with my mother who would strongly beg to disagree. She enrolled me in the Young Savers Club when I was 11 years old and, in no time at all, I began learning about the importance of saving money. Almost all of the birthday gifts that came in the form of cash, as well as the spare change lying around the house, made its way into my AgFed account in a matter of no time. However, perhaps I was too young to understand how this was really teaching me an important lesson about the power of saving and being responsible for tracking my personal finances. After 18 years, I am still a proud member of AgFed and I am incredibly grateful for the lessons that I have learned. I also appreciate the great memories of my mother taking me to the AgFed bank to physically deposit the little sum of money that I saved and the immense pride that I felt doing so. Over the years, however, that small sum of money grew exponentially and, at times, came in handy. But more importantly, I always felt financially secure and that my funds were in good hands at AgFed. Now, I am looking forward to the day when I can similarly open an account for my child and teach them the same lessons that I learned while saving with AgFed.


I have been with the credit union for 32 years. My first loan I applied for 25 years ago really helped me when I really needed it. It saved my legal issues. Also throughout the years when I needed just a little bit of help, those Holiday and Summer loans of $1000.00 really came in handy and I also was thrilled that there was no credit check. I still bank with AgFed and wouldn't change banks because I find they are professional, friendly and if you don't understand something you will always get an answer from them. They also will get back to you the same day if you email them and I find that their loan percentage is great. I also am glad that during the pandemic when the credit union wasn't allowing you to enter, there were others associated with them that you could bank with.


As a member of the Agriculture Federal Credit Union since 2010, I am grateful for the many services and the ease of the application process.  The online service has been updated and become quite user-friendly for members.  I have benefitted on many occasions from the holiday and summer loans.  The interest and monthly payments are affordable.   Also, since moving across the country (Colorado) in 2017, I am still able to take advantage of the services offered.  


Our AgFed journey started in 1998 when we opened a joint checking and savings account. We added two Young Savers Club accounts and where thrilled when one of our young savers was selected as a winner of the 2001 Young Savers Club art calendar contest. When faced with an unplanned car purchase, we were relieved to easily secure a car loan. Over time a home equity loan made it possible to renovate our dated kitchen. Post retirement we were proud to open a new small business account.  Now we are excited to have a former Young Saver Club art calendar contest winner looking for a first-time mortgage. As our family has grown, we are proud that AgFed has been part of our journey for 22 years.


I have been a member since 1989. That is 31 years. Probably older than many of the current members. I went through the last year of the 80s then the 90s, and  now onto the 2000s. We survived the Y2K scare together.  I remember when I joined the tellers were located in the Smithsonian Castle building. I got my first car new loan from AFCU. I purchased a new 1996 Nissan Sentra for $11,900 (price of a older used car today). My sons got their first Visa cards from AFCU. I use the savings account to save for my son's first car and family trips. AFCU has been great with providing a summer splash loan and an emergency loan during the current pandemic. Over the years I talked up AFCU. I have convinced my coworkers and family members to join. Thumbs up to AFCU. Here's to another 31 years.


As soon as I began my federal government career I began depositing small amounts from my biweekly paycheck. Small amounts were all I was able to contribute but I soon realized these savings accumulated and enabled security and as time increased so did my feeling of empowerment. This empowerment led to credit security.  Many refer to having a successful business is based on location, location, location. That was the case years ago in having the AgFed Credit Union office basically just minutes away from my office. But with the security and ease of online transactions available today with the AgFed Credit Union, it's easier than ever. Knowing if I need additional personal attention or have any questions about financial matters makes having the AgFed Credit Union extra comforting for it similar to having a close financial family - similar to having a rich Uncle. The AgFed Credit Union did become more of a family for I opened accounts for my children. They also learned through our shared accounts how to manage their money and saving small amounts of money over time grows and enables opportunities. I believe our family utilized AgFed Credit Union car loans for at least eight automobiles over the years. The ease and rates of loans we obtained from having AgFed Credit Union moved us down the road to our jobs, colleges, and family destinations. Those memories and experiences are so valuable it's hard to put into words. Years ago I retired and remained with AgFed Credit Union and have no reason to leave. And now, thank goodness I did, for having the AgFed Credit Union account became a blessing in 2020 giving me extra financial security during the Pandemic for our family experienced an unexpected emergency. Having an emergency fund allowed us to manage better during a time when venturing outside the home was jeopardizing not only our health but possible future.


When the holidays come around extra expenses like travel add up, AgFed has been there with a helping hand (and funds!). They make it possible for me to travel to see my family who live almost 1,000 miles away AND still provide presents for my children and those I want to show how much they mean to me. Barbara C. has always been the absolute best every time I have applied for personal and holiday fun loans. Just recently she was able to review my loan, get it submitted, approved, and the funds were in my account THE SAME DAY! Barbara, her coworkers, and Agfed's dedication to customer service and their members is why I continue to do business with this group.


When I really needed help with my Holiday Loan AgFed came through exceptionally fast and deferred my payments until I was able to get back on track. I just want to say thank you for all your help.



I researched home loan interest rates in many banks and credit unions. AgFed convinced me fast. AgFed has the best rates when it comes to home purchase and refinancing loans. I recently refinanced my home at 2.75% on a 15 year loan. Ever since I became a member, AgFed has been there for me. Today I was approved for a Home Line of Credit at 3.2%. Things just keep getting better. I referred AgFed credit union to my family and a few co- workers. For me and my family AgFed Credit Union is number 1.



I had recently purchased a car through a bank with high interest rates. Thanks to AgFed I was able to refinance my vehicle and save thousands. 



I opened my only son first savings account with AgFed when he was 16 years old and today he is 31 years old and still uses the same account for his direct deposit and other financial needs. He has never even considered or asked about changing his banking with AFCU. I have been a member with AFCU for over 30 years, since my first Government job with Department of Agriculture. Even though I have moved on to other government agencies, I still keep my AFCU accounts. I have had personal loans, auto loans, credit cards and line of credit accounts. Currently I still have my direct deposit, credit card and line of credit account. AFCU has met all my financial needs with ease for all 3 decades. I'm sure to be a lifetime member.


My response to your invitation: "Member Voices Contest--We want to hear your story!" A.G.F.E.D.: Ah! Generations of Faces Emitting Delight is the graphic acronym I perceive in your promo invitation image. Visually, I see there are 40 faces: old and young; men and women; many nationalities; many ethnicities; many races, and all with smiles! Agreed: AgFed, you are A Gift For Every Day! Banks can be so daunting, but AgFed is so deliverable! Loan agents have been listening, gracious, non-threatening, reasoning and openminded, especially when it came to cases when I inadvertently overdrew in my accounts. Facing my shortcomings in such matters, AgFed agents professionally and politely guided me through "my dilemmas" encouragingly. There was a golden such one who counseled me through a tough financial strain I experienced ten years ago. And by her wise guidance, I have risen above that financial woe ever since. I have been a member for more than 30 years. Life can engulf one with much in such a period of time. For me: Moves, Auto purchases, Promotions, Loss of loved ones, Loss of home, Published works, Retirement. Expansion, mobility, sadness, and successes can describe, as well, in each of those cases. AgFed was there to support me, each time by lending a caring helping hand, keeping me moving forward, and rejoicing with me as i celebrated. Thank you, again, AGFED, for indeed, you are A Great Financial Entity with Doors!


I became a member when working for Dept. of Agriculture in 2012. When I applied for a second chance auto loan, Ms. Barbara was the manager. She was very professional and knowledge. The process was quick and painless. My experience at the branch located at 355 E St S.W. was unique from any other credit union that had encountered. The branch is bright and has an open door policy. Once you enter you are greeted and I always got a warm smile and a friendly hello. Since then, I have encountered some unfortunate life challenges and my account was sent to collections. Brad in Collections was also understanding and addressed my concerns with compassion. As of today my account is nearly back to good standing. Thanks to the kind and compassionate employees at the Agriculture Fed CU.


Agriculture Federal Credit Union has been a reliable source for many years to help me during good and hardship times. I've been a member for over forty years and am forever grateful. With your assistance, I was able to purchase my first new car back in 1969; was approved for a loan to purchase my home. 1st savings accounts were opened for my children to teach them about economics; and during hardship times, an equity loan was provided and paid off in 5 yrs. I am forever grateful for their service. Thanks AGFCU


I remember when I first opened an account with AgFed back when I was 17 years old. I am now about to turn 27 years old and if it wasn't for AgFed I don't know how I would have started building my legacy. I learned how it was to maintain my checking and savings account. I learned about budgeting by tracking how much I was spending per month. I even got a credit card with AgFed to start building my credit and now I am almost at a 800 credit score thanks to AgFed for beginning my credit building journey. I am glad I was able to open up an account with AgFed from a teenager to adulthood. The mobile app is also very helpful and user friendly so I am able to transfer funds or pay my credit card off instantly. Thank you AgFed for the many resources you provide to customers!


Results: 24 Testimonials found.