My response to your invitation: "Member Voices Contest--We want to hear your story!" A.G.F.E.D.: Ah! Generations of Faces Emitting Delight is the graphic acronym I perceive in your promo invitation image. Visually, I see there are 40 faces: old and young; men and women; many nationalities; many ethnicities; many races, and all with smiles! Agreed: AgFed, you are A Gift For Every Day! Banks can be so daunting, but AgFed is so deliverable! Loan agents have been listening, gracious, non-threatening, reasoning and openminded, especially when it came to cases when I inadvertently overdrew in my accounts. Facing my shortcomings in such matters, AgFed agents professionally and politely guided me through "my dilemmas" encouragingly. There was a golden such one who counseled me through a tough financial strain I experienced ten years ago. And by her wise guidance, I have risen above that financial woe ever since. I have been a member for more than 30 years. Life can engulf one with much in such a period of time. For me: Moves, Auto purchases, Promotions, Loss of loved ones, Loss of home, Published works, Retirement. Expansion, mobility, sadness, and successes can describe, as well, in each of those cases. AgFed was there to support me, each time by lending a caring helping hand, keeping me moving forward, and rejoicing with me as i celebrated. Thank you, again, AGFED, for indeed, you are A Great Financial Entity with Doors!